Monday, January 19, 2009

Ground Beef and Bowling

We had a great weekend!

Friday we had dinner at Ryan's friend Aaron's house. He cooked lemon pepper chicken, potatoes and broccoli for us! YUM! Then we all played the Wii - bowling and Tiger Woods.

Saturday we ran a ton of errands - BedBath&Beyond, REI, Ikea, Costco, Super Target. I love to be productive! That night we met up with some softball friends for dinner and bowling.

Worn out shoes! They must only have one pair of 15's! :)

Sunday I spent all afternoon cooking - chili, taco soup, meatloaf and gluten-free cinnamon crisps. Now we're all stocked up for a while and our freezer is full!

Anyone have any good recipes to use the remaining 4 lbs. of ground beef!?


1 comment:

Mike and Karly said...

Hi Dana! I have enjoyed reading your blog! I have a great recipe for homemade meatballs and sauce that makes any gluten-free pasta taste amazing. If you're interested, let me know and I will send it to you! Check out our blog at

Karly (Schmidt) Aust