Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Happy Birthday, Brenna!

We spent the past weekend in Ames, IA to celebrate our niece Brenna's third birthday! It's hard to believe she's already three! It doesn't seem so long ago that she looked like this!

We had a great weekend with Ryan's family - his parents and Grandma also came for the celebration. Lots of time for meals together, a few garage sales, baking, football, presents and cake! Jared and I spent a couple hours baking the 4 layers for the cake and then he spent a few more hours decorating and perfecting Brenna's requested princess cake! Sadly, I don't have a single picture.

Brenna seemed to enjoy the extra attention - we sang to her a few times throughout the day and she had a party on Saturday evening. 15 kids 4 and under - it was CRAZY! We gave her a toy microphone for her birthday (thanks for the suggestion, Steph!) and she put on a couple performances for us.

Ryan's parents and grandma headed home on Sunday afternoon and the rest of us ventured to campus to enjoy the gorgeous afternoon. Strolling around made me wish I was back in school. It had the total opposite effect on Ryan!

The Birthday Girl


Opening from Great Grandma Bohlen

Reading her cards

Thanks Great Grandma!

Really fun doll and an entire wardrobe from Grandma and Grandpa Bohlen

Uncle Ryan and the girls


Aunt Dana and baby Lauren

Feeding the geese on campus

Under the campanile

The microphone even made it on to campus for an outdoor performance!

Pretty baby

The Campanile

Who is that good looking guy!?

Just look at those eyelashes!

Totally relaxed

Happy Birthday, beautiful Brenna Joy! We love you!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Thanks for coming and helping us celebrate Brenna's birthday! You made it extra special for her.