Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas in Pictures

We had a fabulous week in Arkansas with my family! Everyone was there and we really enjoyed having an entire week together - we haven't all been together since last Christmas.

Here's a recap in pictures! (as always, click to enlarge)


...played by the lake,

talked to the babies,

admired them,

passed them around,

snuggled them,

went for walks,

watched Quinn's dance moves,

laughed with babies,

admired these curls,

hung out on the golf course,

golfed in shorts (they knew we were from out of town!),

lost golf balls in the mud,

enjoyed the beautiful day,

loved being outside in December,

took hundreds of pictures of these babies,

watched them nap under blankies from Aunt Kelly,

cracked up at this boy in his jewelry,

appreciated his sense of style,

loved that he wanted to wear earrings,

got puked on multiple times,

almost floated away with 4" of rain! (you can see the red line where the edge of the sea wall is!),

were charmed by this sweet face,

watched Myla go from smiles to tears in a matter of seconds,

worked on the babies' neck strength,

opened presents,

sat by a cozy "fire",

got a PS3!!!,

cleaned up a big post-present mess,

oogled these blue eyes,

taught Quinn how to play foosball,

smiled at how cute this Nana and Papa are,

dressed up and went to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

and had an overall relaxing, food-, fun- and family-filled week!


SLK said...

my favorite picture by far...twins in the red blankets, left side, middle picture. hilarious!
glad y'all had such a special holiday!

Sarah said...

Looks like a blast! Except for the the throw up picture.... eww. :)

Jen said...

Looks like you had an awesome week! Merry Christmas! And those are great curls:)

Meg said...

I only made ONE picture... It was almost as if I just dropped off my babies and left... hmmm I guess you like them more than me!