We spent last weekend in Iowa with Ryan's family. We hadn't been back to Burlington since July and were due for a visit. It was a relaxing weekend - Steph was there too with the girls (Jared's been in Africa!). Unfortunately, we had a funeral to go to while we were there (Ryan's great Aunt). Fortunately, we were able to see lots of extended family - always fun! Brenna is talking non-stop and impressing us with everything she remembers. Lauren is full of smiles and so mellow.
We had planned to stop in Des Moines on the way home for a quick visit to the Rudes. When we woke up Monday morning for our trek north, it had been snowing and was quite windy and gross. The drive to Des Moines took longer than normal (at times we could only go 35!) but we made it. When we got there Ryan checked the road conditions for the rest of our trip - "dangerous". We were debating whether to try to make the drive or to wait it out. Our decision was made for us when they closed I-35. You didn't hear me complaining about spending an extra day with all the babies! Thanks, Meg and Dan, for letting us stay - we enjoyed it! And thanks, Quinn, for sharing your big boy bed with Uncle Ryry!
Bathtime for Brenna
Baby Lauren
We gave Quinn a shaving set since he loves to shave with Dan - he really enjoyed shaving cream during his bath.
Rex and Q in the tub
Not very often that the twins are in the tub together!
Too sweet not to take a picture.
They had even pulled the snow plows off the highway for a while - this one looked like it was out in the worst of it! BRRR!
We saw so many cars and trucks in the ditches! In the 30 miles between Des Moines and Ames we saw 51 cars in the ditch! (yep, we counted! usually we write down license plate states but I tallied up cars instead. At least until I fell asleep as usual.)
Totaled truck
This guy went right into the snowbank.
Quinn put a Handy Manny bandaid on Uncle Ry-ry - it was his good luck charm.
My fearless driver!
Just watching out the window.
Pastina Soup (aka Italian Penicillin)
10 hours ago